Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Who recognizes this one? Hint - - She now has children of her own ! (that narrows it a tiny bit - ha!)
Well - - here it is - the 13th day of December! The aroma of Grandma Judge's cut-out Christmas cookies is wafting around me -not THIS Grandma Judge , you can be sure - :) Grandpa has been baking all day - and tonight he is decorating them. Friends came by to pick up Candle melts ordered from Debbie , and they just about swooned from the Aroma! I think I have finished my Christmas cards. Even with sending many in the 21st century way - I end up writing out over 50 envelopes and signatures with short notes! Crazy!
Have had quite a week of seeing and being with several of the little ones. Man! would I ever like to just post pictures of them all over the place. :) I will try to restrain myself - somewhat.
Upon entering McDonalds and seeing a beautiful , sparkly, all white decorated Christmas tree, six year old Jonathan began singing - "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" -- That surprised us - and made us smile! I"m guessing that they have been singing that song at his learning center this month :)
As for everyone - this is a busy - music filled month!
Just thought I'd check in - -
Not too much action I see - - but a few interesting "recipes" :)
So happy for you Connie - - that a break in school has begun!!!! and FOUR A's ! wow! Congratulations!


Victor and Kathy Karcich said...

Well are you going to keep it from us, or are you going to tell us....who is it that made that card

Grandma J said...

OK - Jenna made the "card" one posted first. and Kathy Lynn - you are right! YOU made the icecream cone! (I think it was in Kindergarten?) Just think how many years they have all survived!!