Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice in the desert

Phoenix has broken the record of cold, set in 1990! Our Bouganvillia are all black --I didn't heed the freeze warning on Saturday night - so they got frozen - -although nothing else did.
Last night, in preparation -we put lights in the citrus trees and some sheets over plants - and Ralph turned on the watering system to "low" - - It was too late for the Bouganvillia :) and this morning they are even MORE black and sad looking -
We woke up this morning to news of ice on the streets and many accidents.
The poor "Runners" , in town for the big Marathon -and from places North - must be very disappointed. Surely they were all hoping for nice warm weather. It just goes to show -- NOTHING is for sure - either here in Arizona or anywhere. :)
I'm now thinking of all the members of our family who had to be on the roads this morning -
Today is Martin Luther King day --so possibly some have a holiday off - and are snug in their homes - - I hope so!

1 comment:

Judge Family said...

We are in the single digits here in Utah. Don't you wish you could be here, with us? Its ice cold. I would do anything for that Arizona weather right now.